Friday, September 18, 2009

Stick to the plan

It's so hard for me to express how I'm feeling sometimes. I try and form my words into sentences, and it's useless. My feelings get jumbled around the letters, and I don't know what to do. I try and spit out what I'm thinking and nothing comes out but air.

I'm thinking, and thinking, trying to get every word out just right. It's just impossible. Instead, of accomplishing communication, I'm just left sitting there, like a bumbling idiot.

When I write, it's like the words come out smoother. I'm not trying so hard to analize every little thing I say before I say it.

My crush and I have talked on the phone more than I have talked to any stranger in the past 3 years. Usually it's all text.

I pretty sure though, he likes me as a friend, not as much more.

He's got a lot of things going on in his life.

I think in Vegas, I should just stick to business. That was always my original plan, anyway.